
Shaloki (600 x 400)
Shaloki – Commissioned Artist: Reddit User /u/MarkyBoy1313

Hunted by the Iskandean fishermen these aquatic reptiles are aggressive predators of schooling fish upon which the local economy depends. They are found in pods of 4-6 members (pair bonded adults with one or two year old young).

Adults average a length of 2-3 meters, and a mass upwards of 500 kg.Young are live-birthed, generally in pairs, measuring half a meter in length and massing about 5 kg. They grow quickly, reaching full adult size, and sexual maturity in three years.

They swim using their four fore-limb flippers, hind limbs ending in webbed feet, and powerful flat tail. They are capable of limited movement on land, using their ability to leap from the water to great effect if threatened. Their mottled appearance lends some camoflague while stalking prey fish, before attacking with a savage tearing bite.


These lizards are common predators and scavengers on the Plains of Tekara. They are found in packs of up to a dozen animals. They are renowned for their ability to strip the carcass of a dead animal in a matter of hours, often aggressively defending the feast from larger scavengers. Kenkara are also known to be capable problem solvers and thus are difficult to trap. They possess an opposable digit on all six feet.

The average adult Kenkara is 6-7 kg in mass, and measures 50-70 cm in total length of which about one third is tail. Their scales range from dull red through black in colour, with a pale grey underbelly. The males of the species have a neck frill of brighter colours that is flared to scare off larger scavengers. The male’s frill is also used in mate selection, and displayed repeatedly during mating.

Females will lay just shy of a dozen eggs and brood them in a shallow scraped hollow. Once the eggs hatch the female leaves to join her group. Her brood are left to fend for themselves, and will often be found later as an adult pack.

Corpse Lizards



Other Names: Balaryn Dym (Kyŧus), Weltneitar (Waejir)

These tiny lizards are dark green to black in colour; males having a red strip along each side. They are most often found in or near standing water in mountainous or hilly regions. Their six stubby limbs end in small webbed feet which combined with their long tails help them swim with remarkable agility. The average adult of this species is between 10-20 cm long, with 50% of their length being tail.

From such swampy areas they venture out in search of dead animals. Should they find such a feast, they eat their fill, and then lay a great deal of eggs (100~150) in the carcass and return to the water.

The most common encounter with these tiny creatures is the swarming mass of newly hatched young devouring a carcass. Some predators will wait for just such swarming to catch a meal themselves. Only a few young escape to return to the watery home of their parents.

These scavengers are wary of other creatures and generally show animal intelligence. As adults they lead solitary lives coming together only to mate.

As cold blooded creatures they are most active during warm weather and will hibernate through the winter months.