Kyŧusave Primer Preview

I plan to eventually have a whole series of lessons in the various languages spoken on Entorais. Here is a quick sample of the sort:

Kyŧan Phrases

I am Pëpecyko. => Mana zaty Pëpecyko.

My name is Pëpecyko. => Hymana plö zaty Pëpecyko.

He is Nöl. => Mazna zaty Nöl.

She is Tycöva. => Mazva zaty Tycöva.

They are Nöl and Tycöva. => Mözmü zaty Nöl ad Tycöva.

We are Pëpecyko, Nöl and Tycöva. => Mömü zaty Pëpecyko, Nöl ad Tycöva.

I am a person => Mana zaty kableŧ.

He is a person. => Mazna zaty kableŧ.

She is a person. => Mazva zaty kableŧ.

Nöl and Tycöva are people. => Nöl ad Tycöva zaty bleŧmü.

They are people. => Mözmü zaty bleŧmü.

We are people. => Mömü zaty bleŧmü.

I am a man. => Mana zaty kableŧna.

Nöl is a man. => Nöl zaty kableŧna.

We are men. => Mönä zaty bleŧnä.

Tycöva is a woman. => Tycöva zaty kableŧva.

Nöl and Tycöva are a man and a woman. => Nöl ad Tycöva zaty kableŧna ad kableŧva.

Nöl and Tycöva married. => Nöl ad Tycöva źupäsül.

Nöl is Tycöva’s husband. => Nöl zaty hyTycöva sülna.

Tycöva is Nöl’s wife. => Tycöva zaty hyNöl sülva.

Nöl and Tycöva are husband and wife. => Nöl ad Tycöva zaty sülna ad sülva.

Nöl and Tycöva are spouses. => Nöl ad Tycöva zaty sülmü.

Nöl is the husband of Tycöva. => Nöl zaty mazsülna hy Tycöva.

Tycöva is the wife of Nöl. => Tycöva zaty mazsülva hy Nöl.

I am Nöl’s brother. => Mana zaty hyNöl rasna.

We are siblings. => Mönä zaty rasmü.

Tycöva is my sister-in-law. => Tycöva zaty hymana rasnasülva.

I am Tycöva’s brother-in-law. => Mana zaty hyTycöva sülnarasna.

My brother’s wife is my sister-in-law. => Hymana hyrasna sülva zaty hymana rasnasülva.

The wife of my brother is my sister-in-law. => Mazsülva hy hymana rasna zaty hymana rasnasülva.

The Song of Cönok

Here is a sample of verse in the Kyŧusave language:

Gunypekrukö HyCönokna

Źuvrasa hy pëlëtünaŧadypëlëtüva, ad źulaspü päkwyfä muleŧe

Mupëlöryk fuskü kaläperü, pägëra ad ëpüp vred bleŧmü

äzamü zuxule, ad muđäbö zupalatwe

Cönokna zupläx mucuđüm, ad fulëmëja muŧusnü hypëlöryk

Hyläperü muna gäp mulüjmü fupälacy munü

Vykru ön, ge pelul folyme źukwät mupëlëtüna

Cërat źupläx mupekwyfä, ad źucësku kolöŧu.

…and for those people not fluent in Kyŧusave; here it is in a fairly good English translation:

The Song of Cönok

Born to king and queen, and raised to rule the land.

Pëlöryk raised an army, to steal and loot from man.

Villages were burning, and the people bleeding.

Cönok took the challenge, attacking the pëlöryk tribes.

His army fought them back to the mountains.

When victory was near, arrow astray slays the king.

Cërat ascends the throne, which changes everything.